Easy Crochet Coronation Bunting

Yarn  required - dk in red, white, blue and gold.

hook size 4mm and 3mm

Abbreviations. (Uk terms)

ch - chain

ss - slip stitch

st - stitch

dc - double crochet

tr - treble crochet.

sp - space

For the bunting flags.

Row 1- start with ch 3, work 1 tr in the first chain worked (the furthest from your hook)

turn your work.

Row 2 - chain 2 (counts as 1 tr) work 1 tr into the same stitch, work 2 tr in top of next stitch, turn. (4tr)

Row 3 - chain 2 (counts as 1 tr) work 1 tr in first st, 1 tr in each of the next 2 sts. 2 tr in last st, tuen. (6 tr)

Row 4 - ch2 (counts as 1 tr) work 1 tr in same st, 1 tr in each of the next 4 sts, 2 tr in last st, turn (8tr)

see where we are going?

continue working in this way increasing 1 st at each end on every row until you have 26 sts, or size required.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

I used a gold dk to edge my bunting by work dc's in each st across the top and 2 dc's around the side of each tr, work 3 dc in corners to keep your flags flat. .

The crown appliques.

I used gold DK  and a 3mm hook.

ch 10. turn

row 1 - starting in 2nd ch from hook work 1 dc in each ch, turn. (9 dc)

row 2 - ch1 (does not count as a st), 1 dc in each st, turn (9 dc)

row 3 - ch7 , sk 2 dc, and dc into next dc, ch5 skip 1 dc, dc in next st, ch 7, ss to last st, do not turn , ss down the side of the base, continue to ss across the bottom and back up to the opposite side until you reach the base of the first ch7.

work 9 dc around first ch7, ss into top of dc,

 in next ch 5 space 3 dc, 1 htr, picot (ch 3 ss to base of ch) 3dc, ss in top of dc 

in next ch7 space work 9 dc, ss to side of base to join and fasten off leaving a long tail for attaching.

Sew to bunting.

To join bunting flags, simply make sections of chain in the same colour as your edging to your desired length and attach to the top corners of your bunting flags.